Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bursting with GREAT News!

I do believe that I'm walking under a lucky star. Yesterday was a FANTASTIC day, and today is starting out as another amazing day! I think you're going to absolutely hate me after you read about all of the stuff that I have to tell you! Be warned . . . this is a LONG post. Sorry!

First off, I wanted to answer a question from Becky. She asked me about the red border on the page that I posted yesterday. It's not a border. The page is black zig-zag Bazzill die cut cardstock on top of a red 12x12 sheet of cardstock. Sorry, I should have explained that when I posted the page. I've seen this die cut cardstock in Michael's too in a DCWV pad. Very cool. Hopefully that clears up how I did the "border".

Next, check out these goodies! These are all from my secret sister on the Cricut message board, and my very good friend, Jana! This is my big finale package from my wonderful friend. She went crazy, be prepared!! Your mouth will be hanging open. There's SO MUCH!!

These are Halloween items, including the Halloween Backgrounds Stampin' Up set, towels with an adorable dog dressed for Halloween, and instead of saying "Boo", if says "Boof"! Totally appeals to my sense of humor! A spider mug (that I was drinking out of yesterday! I don't think I'm going to save it for Halloween!), autumn buttons, Halloween tissues (which are too cute to ever use!), and two Halloween figurines!

Next, WOW! There is Magic Scraps glitter, snow for shaker cards, adorable buttons, Primas in a tiny magnetic tin, two tins to alter, gorgeous ribbon, a mini medley spring pack from CTMH, a glitter mat stack (which just so happens to match the mini medley CTMH items perfectly!!), more buttons, snowflake brads, more round fantastic Making Memories brads, and a 1/8" circle hand punch! It's actually amazing, I think Jana has ESP, because I love my hand punch, but I've been having problems with it. It's not giving me a clean cut, and I need a new one. I never told her that. Very cool!!

That's not all! This shows the Stampin' Up set Riveting (which I've wanted for such a long time), a fantastic box that I can alter, a small album (in the brown and cream) that Jana made for me (she DESIGNED the album -- it's so cool!), and mini cards that she made for me in two of my favorite scrapbooking / card making colors of all time . . . pink and brown! Can you believe it? I'm OVERWHELMED! Jana is so generous and sweet, and I'm so very appreciative! Mwah Jana! You're the best! Thank you so much!

Next, Terrie B presented me with the "you cheer me up award". Is this photo the best or what? You gotta love Lucy and Ethel! They're fantastic! Thank you Terrie! I'm going to tag just a few of my many wonderful blogging friends. Believe me, you ALL cheer me up, and I hate to leave anyone out, but here goes: Andrea, Becky, another Becky, Dawn, Deb, Jana, Kathleen, Kristy, Marlou, and Samm. Seriously, I could go on and on and on!! The visitors I get and the comments I receive put me on Cloud 9. You're all the BEST! Thank you!!

THEN, I uploaded my Valentine layout of my girls on ScrapCity. It's a blog that Dawn told me about, the ladies there all seem like so much fun, and it's where I'm trying to be a Guest Designer! Anyway, my Valentine layout was picked as the ScrapCity LAYOUT OF THE WEEK! I'm floored! Thank you ScrapCity! I'm honored!!

Then I received an email yesterday and then another one today that I won two items from two of the wonderful ladies over at the Paper Crafts Blog! Seriously . . . TWO things! I'm walking under that lucky star people! WOW! I'll post what I won when I receive the items. I'm just THRILLED beyond belief! Thank you ladies at Paper Crafts!

Last, but definitely not least, I wanted to show you my daughter's poster that she created for her science class. Thank goodness for the Cricut! Her entire class needed to present information on an interesting invention. The inventions were handed out randomly, and she ended up with the ice cream cone. Check out her poster!

The ice cream cone and the scoops are on the Doodlecharms cartridge, and we used Base Camp for the title. Doesn't this look fantastic! She designed the whole thing, and she did a great job! She's almost 12 (Egads!! How is that possible??), and she's in 6th grade, and I'm sure you'll agree that she's pretty talented! She was thrilled with her poster! So was I!

OK, if you read this whole entry, you're wonderful, and you deserve a HUGE pat on the back! Sorry, but I had A LOT to tell you about! I'm just one happy lady over here! I'm also one very appreciative lady! I'm walking under that lucky star . . . !! Thanks for stopping by!!


paulssandy said...

WOW, I am so happy for you! How nice to feel so blessed. I am looking forward to seeing what you have won, just sooooooo exciting :)

Your daughter did a great job on her poster, the trivia is very informative.

Becky said...

Thanks for answering my question about the "border". I've seen the die cut cardstock but was never exactly sure what to do with it. Well now I know so I guess I'll have to go get some! :) (My husband thanks you!) Your goodies are absolutely insane! Such great stuff! And thank you for thinking I cheer you up! I love reading your blog everyday and getting tips and inspiration from you! You are so very talented! Plus the fact that the award is a picture of Lucy and Ethel makes me smile! :) I am a HUGE Lucy fan-our kitchen is even done in Lucy! Congrats on your layout winning layout of the week! It is a gorgeous page! And last but certainly not least, your daughters poster is so good! She must have gotten an A++++!! It is just perfect! Well, my comment was almost as long as your blog! :) Have a great day!

Andrea, said...

Wow what wonderful goodies you got. I love those halloween towels they are so cute. Thanks for the award

Dawn said...

CONGRATS! on all the wonderful goodies you received (I am soo drooling) How exciting to be picked for the ScrapCity Layout of the week and winning PCB items - Just AWESOME!

The poster your daughter did is wonderful!

Again CONGRATULATIONS! And I am still drooling!!!!!!

AKA BugAddict

Marlou McAlees said...

first of all Carol, thank you so much for award!! :) I was about to nominate you when i seen you got it already :) secondly my goodness you are having a lot of things going well for you :) and last but not least your daughters poster is fabulous, enjoy the rest of your day xx ps let me know if you win the lottery {LOL} :) x

Becky G said...

Holy cow! That's a lot of nice stuff! What a great secret sister you have. You're gonna have fun playing with all of that.
Congrats on the scrapbook page and all of your wins. You deserve it!
Your daughters bulletin board is fantastic. We recently did the same thing for my sons Science Fair Project! Don't you just love that Cricut?
Thanks for the nice award. I'll post it on my blog.
Have a great day!

Stamp n Sparkle said...

WOW you lucky lady you :D Look at all your wonderful goodies! Fantastic!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Wow how wunderful is this you ahave done so well but you work so hard you sooo desive it ,Dawnx

Alex said...

Holy Moly Carol, you had a GREAT day!! You got some fantastic stuff there, I am drooling! You sound very happy and upbeat, it made me smile (and yes, I read the whole post, silly girl!) And, congrats on being selected for Scrap City - what a great feeling that must be! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky! Jana really did well on your grand finale package. OMG!

Congrats on your winnings! Layout of the Week and two gifts? How lucky!!

I love the poster! It is sooo cool! The Cricut is truly amazing!

I can't wait to see what you'll post tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Deb said...

thank you so much for the award, I feel so honoured and hey right back at you! You cheer me up too!
what fabulous goodies you received, you certainly are having a very lucky time, I am so pleased for you!
i have said it before and I will say it again, your daughters are so talented! the poster is fabulous!

Betsy said...

You have been lucky lately...couldn't have anything to do with all your hard work or talent, could it? Good things come around to those who share them! You earned it, enjoy it!

Can't wait to see what you do with your Big Bite and all those grommets...I'm drooling.

Bonnie said...

HOLY CRAP CAROL!! That is so much wonderful "stuff"!! Congratulations on your scrapbook page!! That is HUGE! Listen, girly - you deserve it!! You are one talented little lady!! The best to you!!

Lisa's Blessed A Latte said...

Woo...Hoo... you are totally derserving of this...I'm jumping for Joy for you. (((Hugs))

** Isa ** said...

Wow... How exciting! Well done and your daughter's poster is fab.... And look at all those goodies... You're one lucky girl ;oD

Hugs xxx

Clare said...

What a fantastic package of stuff, what a great friend she is1
Congrats on having your layout picked too...

Tamara Wheeler said...

Hey Carol, Can you send that lucky star my way? lmao

Congrats on everything!

Unknown said...

OMGoodness look at all those goodies, you are one lucky lady, lol good for you, everybody needs spoiling often, lol xx