Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008 Everyone! Cheers!

Nothing says "Happy New Year" like Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi in a plastic chili pepper margarita glass! Yes, we know how to P-A-R-T-Y in our house!

Emily says Happy 2008 with her Diet Cherry 7-Up. She's a party waiting to happen!

Jessica scored the cactus-stem "fancy" margarita glass! More Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi . . . it was flowing like crazy around here last night!

Party on crazy people! These are my three most favorite people in the whole wide world! Well, I love all four of them, but one of them isn't a person! Don't tell her that though!

Girls just wanna have fun! Come on 2008, we're ready!

I'm telling you, Princess actually enjoys posing in photographs. She really does!

Emily and Jessica love her so much! She's one VERY lucky dog!

See, she will pose for these photographs! Party on Princess!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy 2008 Everyone! I hope 2008 is a great year for you all!


Becky G said...

Carol, you have a beautiful family and it looks like you all were having a great time! We celebrated the New Year with our kids too, minus our oldest! That's how we always celebrate!

I hope that 2008 brings many good things to you and your family!

Theresa said...

What a fun family night!!! We spent the evening with family friends, kids played, men played football on the new Wii and my girlfriend and I chatted and played at her card table all night!
Happy New Year!
PS - Thank you soooo very much for the fun Christmas card! I just picked it up from my mailbox yesterday and what a treat it was!!!

My Paper World said...

LOVE the photos! thanks for sharing! and I wish you all a very happy 2008! xx

Andrea, said...

Fab photos, your dog looks so cute in her litle hat. My son discovered cherry coke yesterday and loves it.

Anonymous said...


Rita said...

Luv the pictures, thanks for sharing. Looks like you all had a blast last night! Happy New Year & all the best to you & your family in 2008!!!

Louly said...

My what a beautiful, happy family and it looks like you had a great time. I think your eldest daughter has a look of a young princess Anne.

kathleenh said...

Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family. It looks like you guys had a fun night.

Risa said...

Your pictures are beautiful Carol, thank you for sharing!
Happy New Year!

Becky said...

Your families parties look almost exactly like my families! Except we prefer root beer (and Aaron likes his juice!). Looks like you had a great night! I hope 2008 is great for you and your family!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Arrr fabulous photos ,glad you had a great time ,love your photos .Dawnx

Sandra Evertson said...

Adorable! What Beauties all!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Sandra Evertson

Lori said...

Looks like you had a great time together! Happy New Year!

~Jules~ said...

Love the Party photo's. it sure looks like you had fun!
Happy New Year!

Samm said...

What gorgeous photos!!! looks like you had some fun!!!

We sat in with a hot choccie and some orange matchmakers as I was poorly!!!

Love your hat!


mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family! I'd party at your house any day (even though I don't drink diet pop, lol) You guys look like tonnes of fun! ;0) Mel

Learn to Stamp and Scrap with Lynn said...

Love the photos. Happy New Year to you all from a fellow SBS2 blogger!


AnnMarie said...

Hiya Carol! What great photos! Looks much like the wild party we had at our house too! : ) We even put a "Happy New Year" tiarra on our furry child too! LOL Wanted to wish you a very happy new year! : ) Hope that you are doing well!

Clare said...

Happy New Year to you all, love your family photos.

Anonymous said...

Beautifu photos "Happy New Year" :)

Alhambra Club said...

What a fantastic way to welcome in a New Year. Love Diet Cherry 7-Up.

Deborah said...

You all are so cute! Aren't these wonderful crations so patient with our gimmicks! Gotta love them! Hugs to your Aussie! Deb