Friday, January 11, 2008

New Award and I'm a Crazy Shopper!

My very good blogging friend Dawn told me that I make her day, so I get to display this award on my blog! Thank you Dawn!! You know what? You make my day too! I'm supposed to nominate 10 people, but you ALL make my day, so how can I pick just 10? If you're reading this, you honestly make my day, and you are nominated to display this award on YOUR blog!

Next . . . what's wrong with me? I ordered the Crop-A-Dile II on HSN yesterday. I have to stop spending on new crafting items, but after watching the presentation, I just had to have it. My husband told me that if I talked on the air to the hosts, I could order it (I had ALREADY ordered it, but that's another story), and I DID! I talked on the show! It's very strange, because there's at least a 30 second delay, so I had to step out of the room to talk on the phone, and my husband stayed in the room to watch and hear me on TV. Yes, I'm crazy, but I don't think my husband thought I could get on the air! Ha ha!! I showed him! Right?

This new Crop-A-Dile can reach into a project 6 inches. The original Crop-A-Dile can only reach in 1 inch. I will actually love this for altered projects. I love to add flowers to tins, and it will be cool to be able to place them in further. Yes, I'm justifying the "need" for this new tool. (Actually, I blame Flossie for my purchase, because she posted about this tool on her blog. I would have seen the demonstration on HSN anyway, but I thought it would be fun to blame someone else! Sorry Flossie!)

I'm working on a couple of things to post, but there just never seems to be enough time in the day to finish them up. I'm hoping to finish a couple of things today. I'm also very much behind on blog hopping. I'll be visiting you all and commenting on your wonderful creations hopefully later today or tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT weekend!


mel m. m. mccarthy said...

I've been drolling over this. Does it do all of the same things as the original? I don't have one yet, so I'm hopin' the answer is yes. I wonder if it is as easy to use? Can't wait to see what you make with it! Flowered tins sound gorgeous! ;0) Mel

Anonymous said...


Maria said...

Hey Carol,

I ALMOST bought it yesterday but I decided to wait on it. A part of me regret not getting it while it was on sale but I decided I can live with my hammer and banging away on my desk for now. Like you, I'm TRYING to refrain from buying too many things. I already have to many stuff already. I may consider buying it if I win a few $$$ in Vegas next week. Wish me luck!!

Your SBS2 sis,
Maria (Stampin Inspirations)

Deb said...

good for you, when I buy it I will blame Flossie too, I saw it on her blog and I just have to have one when I see it over here!

Anonymous said...

Oooh it looks good Carol, don't blame you, you must have it! Then you can stop buying for a little while !! LOL Jenn and Jacqui

My Paper World said...

It looks like a great tool!
have fun!

Becky G said...

I had a crop-a-dile in my hands right after Christmas but at the last minute decided to get another cartridge for my Cricut! It's still on my wish list though.
So glad that you were able to score one on HSN. I think it's so cute that your DH made that deal with you. Silly men, do they not know the powers that we posess when it comes to our stamping wants and needs. LOL! I bet he was surprised that you got through! I can't wait to see what you do with it!


Andrea, said...

This new Cropadile looks fab. I have the smaller one. My hubby talked to someone on a shopping channel once and said it felt really odd. I'd never be brave enough.

mum-on-the-run said...

OOh, enjoy!!

Clare said...

What a great tool - look forward to seeing what you create with it. Well done for going on air, I'd be too afraid to hear my own voice on TV - I always think my voice sounds much higher when you listen to a recording of it!

Anonymous said...

I saw this, I'll have to try one out first b/f I buy it to see if I like it. I LOVE my origional one.

Unknown said...

Oh you girls, you crack me up, just been on Flo's site and saw this humungous crop-a-dile giant, its absolutely massive, can't wait to see what you do with it Carol, yay to you xx

Betsy said...

I'm so jealous! Green with envy. My extremely strong hints to Mom and sister that it would be a great bday gift went unnoticed...sigh. Use it for me too please!