Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some Blogs WON'T Let Me Comment!

I'm not sure what's going on, but certain blogs will NOT let me comment! If you visited me and left a comment, and you didn't get a comment back on your blog, it's not because I didn't try to leave a comment!! I cannot! If I have to select "Google Account" when I leave my comment, I am unable to leave a comment. I have no idea WHY! I am signed in, but Blogger is NOT recognizing this! I'm really getting aggravated and confused as to why this is happening! I feel like I'm going CRAZY!!

EDITED TO ADD: Uncheck the "Stay signed in" box and then sign in. It will then work! Weird!!


Tara said...

Log out and then on the original sign in page you need to uncheck the stay signed in box and re sign in. This was happening to me too and as soon as someone told me that and I did it all was fixed....good luck!

patti west said...

The very same thing happens to me w/blogger on my home computer! My work computer will work like normal. (at work now so I can leave you this comment) I wish I was a computer savvy person and could fix it!

Jodi Geers said...

I've had problems with that too and one of my blogger friends said she was told that you have to uncheck the "Stay signed in" box and then sign in. That seems to work. She was told that Blogger was working on the problem. Hope this helps.
Jodi Geers

Tina M said...

Glad to see it wasn't only me! I thought I was going crazy too because it was only certain pages :}