Friday, January 4, 2008

Somebody Stop Me!

I just posted a couple of days ago about how my girls and I went to Archiver's, and I found lots of fun stuff on sale. Well, I've wanted the Love, Elsie stuff for a while, but it's way too expensive when it's full price, so I had no intention on having any of it, UNTIL I saw it all marked 50% off. Well, I took the girls to Barnes & Noble yesterday, because they had some gift cards that were burning a hole in their pocket! Archiver's is just down the street. I decided that I needed a couple more sheets of paper in the Toby line.

Imagine my surprise when we found all of these! Seriously, these were NOT there the other day. Believe me, I looked! My girls helped me look! Where did all of these come from? All of the packages are Roxie, except for the last one which is Toby. I looked for Love, Elsie embellishments in the entire clearance section just a few days ago. Where were you hiding these, Archiver's? You thought you were so clever, but you didn't plan on me coming back so soon, did you? Hah! I tricked you, I triumphed, I purchased, and these are now mine! Gotcha!

Yep, I need help, I need to be stopped, and I NEED to get back on my spending freeze! Thanks for stopping by!


Marlou McAlees said...

oh you lucky thing!!! how excellent to get elsie at 50% off thats fab!!! enjoy using them!! :) xx

Dawn♥ said...

OMG you are the luckiest person. I want some soooo BAD! Can't wait to see what you create with these bundle of GOODIES!

Misty said...

50% off is a hard thing to pass up. They're so cute too! Have fun with them.
Take care.

michelle sturgeon said...

Well, at that price, how could you refuse?

Dawn Wheeler said...

Wow you did brilliant getting all these ,never turn a bargin down ,Dawnx

Maria said...

Okay Carol. . .I can't help you because I have the same problem.

I would probably go nuts too! I love sales, especially clearances because sometimes I find really great bargains. I think sometimes it's more about "finding" the items at such a great price rather than the product itself. I'm sure you can relate.

Great buy, btw!!

Your SBS2 sis,
Maria (Stampin Inspirations)

Alhambra Club said...

Fantastic, love clearance items.

Anonymous said...


Crystal Ware said...

Lucky you - Great finds!

My Paper World said...

Wow! you really have found some great bargains!

Anonymous said...

oooh you know us crafters love a bargain so when we see one we gotta have it!!!Fab buys:)

Deb said...

Wow, you are so lucky, wish I had that store near me, I love all this Love Elsie stuff but have to limit myself as it is rather expensive!

Crissy said...

You cannot turn down something that is 50% off! It's just ain't right. (Unless it is ugly and you don't like it!) Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

OMG... ROFL how could you resist!!! What a clever girl tricking them by going back :D I would have had to buy them all too...way to go...can't wait to see what you do with them :D

Michelle Pearson said...

oh, don't you just love that place?! I mainly shop the clearance and hot spots...sometimes you really hit the jackpot...and then I can justify buying a few other things at regular price or with a coupon. justify, justify, justify... ;)

kathleenh said...

Well, how could you resist all of these cute embellishments for 50 percent off?! You just HAD to buy them. I'm weak when it comes to a good sale so I'm just going to enable ya!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's A LOT of stuff! I want, I want :D

Risa said...

Well is hard to pass up a fantastic sale! We forgive you *wink*

Unknown said...

Oh seeeeee no fair, you are sooo lucky to have these incredibly fab stores, have loads of fun using these cool products


Alex xx

~Jules~ said...

You sure are one lucky DUCK!!
What a bargain hunter you are!